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The Line Around the World is a project that uses the internet
to encourage people to make the world a little bit better place. While
this may scream with idealism, it works. The Line is a collection of
folks who've joined the ranks of other people like themselves, pledging
in the process to do a good deed in order to earn the right to be in the Line.
Then the structure of the line provides them with links to other people
who feel the same way. So, it's like working for world peace and finding
a good way to surf the net, all in one!
| More detailed description.
| Rules.
| Troubleshooting.
| Sample of setting up links.
| Company links.
| Sample HTML code.
| Join the line.
| View the line. |
New feature: Click the question mark to go to the home page
of a random Line Around the World participant!
Note: When creating your links, copy the graphics to your pages! Do not simply link to the graphics supplied here!
The Line is a project of some kid who didn't know what he was getting into. No money goes into keeping this project. Web space donated by the nice folks at stairway. Questions? Send e-mail to the administrator. But wait! Before
you send a question, did you read the frequently asked questions under the troubleshooting
link? Response time varies drastically.
Note from Deron (the Line guy): I get mail from people wanting to know how I'm doing and such, so I'll answer that now. The new home for the Line reflects the fact that I have graduated from Stanford. I'm working for a computer company in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, making instructional videos. The new structure for the Line is my attempt to keep down
the number of e-mails I get about the Line. I want to spell stuff out very clearly, so I
don't have to answer what might otherwise be obvious questions, yet I want people who understand immediately to be able to get through quickly. What do you think?
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