Crescendo plugin Version 2.3 for Netscape Navigator
(Windows version)

Version 2.3

The Windows version 2.3 of Crescendo for Netscape Navigator is now available!
Sorry, a Mac version is not yet available.

(Looking for the ActiveX version of Crescendo for Microsoft Internet Explorer?
Version 2.2 has been released - click here to get it! Version 2.3 will be coming soon.)

Control Panel Picture

New features in 2.3:

New features in Crescendo version 2.3:

Please fill out this short form before downloading (please do not send any text with the email):


This version will *not* expire, so please keep checking back for the future versions and the released version of Crescendo!

Goto any of these links to download version 2.3:

For Windows 3.1

Site #1
Site #2

For Windows 95

Site #1
Site #2

For Windows NT
Site #1
Site #2


Place the attached file into a new directory (for example: "Crescendo Install Files"). Double click on the file to expand it. You will see a WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box. Keep the default "Unzip to Directory" setting (.\) which will unzip to the current directory. A readme file with additional installation instructions will appear.

If you have any comments regarding this version, please email us at Make sure you include what operating system, version of Netscape and version of Crescendo you are using.

Find out how to add Crescendo to your page!

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